We have 8 healthy bernedoodle puppies, raised on a farm with lots of social interaction. Our puppies receive lots of one on one attention and are vet…
$750She's a beautiful solid black German Shepherd, there's not an ounce of any color on her. Just stunning! She lives on a farm, used to loud equipment and…
SOLDAKC'd Beautifully colored female will be black an tan, farm raised, both parents on site, The mothers parents were both OFA'd. shots, dewormed. She's…
SOLDAKC'd Black and Red Male Shepherd, farm raised, both parents on site, The mothers parents were both OFA'd, shots, dewormed. This guy makes me laugh, he…
SOLDAkc'd Solid Black male, farm raised, shots, dewormed, both parents on site. The mothers parents were both OFA'd. He's gonna be a nice solid looking dog…
SOLDWow check out the beautiful coloring on this male and he's only a puppy! He's gonna be gorgeous when he's full grown! He's farm raised, used to loud equipment…
SOLDAKC'd Nicely colored male Shepherd for being just a puppy. Imagine when his colors start to really come in! He's farm raised, used to loud equipment, kids…
SOLDBeautiful Black/tan females.. Will be dewormed, shots. Both parents on site.OFA'd. Farm raised, smooth coat nice saddle markings