Black male (brindle tan points) available. born 10/21/24 ready to go home 12/16/24. $1200 AKC limited Registration, parents are OFA tested hips and elbows…
$1,200Honey F1 Labradoodle CKC registered born 7/1/20 (4ys old) 80lbs Prelim OFA hips Good, Embark Clear. Free to a pet home (must be spayed) or $500 with…
$500A blue cream pied female Frenchie for sale as pet. She had one litter. Not spayed. About to be one year old. She gets along with other dogs and was raised…
$500AKC American Labrador pups 1 Chocolate Male, 1 Black Female available Ready to go. $1,000 limited akc registration. From excellent hunting lines. 1st and…
SOLDAKC Labrador pups born 6/6/23 Ready to go 8/1/23. 1 Charcoal Male (dilute black), available. 1200 limited akc registration. 1st shots, routine dewormings…
SOLDAlec is an adorable cafe au lait abstract. He is growing fast! He will be lighter at maturity. He will come vet checked, microchipped current on shots…
SOLDBlair is a cutie pie! She is used to being held and loved on! She is a cafe au lait. She will be lighter like her mom. Blair will be vet checked, current…
SOLDHaye is a fun cafe au lait abstract. He is from health tested parents. Haye will be vet checked, current on vaccines and parasite prevention. He will be…