We have 2 orange roan males available from Piper and Finn's litter born 9/1/24. The puppies come from excellent hunting stock. The bloodline includes dogs…
$1,350We are now accepting deposits for Ruby and Finn's male pup born 06/24/24. Pictures of the parents for the litter are included. Max comes from excellent…
SOLDWe are now accepting deposits for Ruby and Finn's male puppy born 06/24/24. Charlie comes from excellent hunting stock. The bloodline includes dogs such…
SOLDWe are accepting deposits for Sydnee and Parker's male puppy born June 15th. Pictures of the parents for the litter are included. Oscar comes from excellent…
SOLDWe are accepting deposits for Sydnee and Parker's male puppy born June 15th. Pictures of the parents for the litter are included. The puppy comes from…
SOLDMeet Conway a cream male Dam - Alaman How Do You Like Me Now Sire - Valaurah's You Cannot Deny He's Got Style AKC Registered Standard Poodles Parents…
SOLDMeet Reba Black abstract female Dam - Alaman How Do You Like Me Now Sire - Valaurah's You Cannot Deny He's Got Style AKC Registered Standard Poodles…
SOLDMeet Crystal a Merle female Dam - Alaman How Do You Like Me Now Sire - Valaurah's You Cannot Deny He's Got Style AKC Registered Standard Poodles…