"Bear" is a very handsome Red Headed Tri Color. He was 8 weeks old on August 23rd and is ready to go home to his new family! AKC with a super fun and…
SOLD"Cora" is a stunning red and white girl. She was 8 weeks old on August 23rd and is ready to go home to her new family!! AKC with a super sweet and fun…
SOLD"Bilbo" is ready to go home to his new family! All of our corgis love their people, but this guy in particular lives for snuggling and attention! We are…
SOLDLittle Bess is a sweetheart, and has the extra charm of having one blue eye. Ready to go home on August 30th! We are so pleased with this litter -- Born…
SOLDReady to go home on August 23rd! This litter is DM/vwd clear by parentage and are already beginning to show their sweet, smart, and energetic personalities…
SOLDReady to go home on August 21st! All of our corgis love their people, but this litter in particular seems to live for snuggling! We love seeing their sweet…
SOLDReady to go home on August 21st! All of our corgis love their people, but this litter in particular seems to live for snuggling! We love seeing their sweet…
SOLDReady to go home on August 21st! All of our corgis love their people, but this litter in particular seems to live for snuggling! We love seeing their sweet…