Adorable Blue Merle male pup with blue eyes! Her birthday is 1/27/23 and she will be ready for her new home after March 24th. Charting weight is 4lbs fully…
SOLDBeautiful and playful Maltese Puppy. 12 weeks. Very energetic and playful. You will love him the minute you see him! He is the most loving. Enjoys…
SOLDBeautiful-Male Shih-Tzu, fully potty trained, pure-bred, and up to date on all shots. 443loves924 to go1371 for walks and cuddle. He’s only 2 yoa .…
SOLDPuppies are bred for conformation, intelligence and temperament. They will have short muzzles, nice blocky heads, heavy bone structures and awesome temperaments…
SOLDLooking for a puppy that is for you? We have a black female Labrador puppy that is 7 weeks old that needs a home. She can go to your home starting 10…
SOLDLooking for a puppy that is for you? We have a black male Labrador puppy with brindle coloring that needs a home. He can go to your home starting 10…
SOLDLooking for a puppy that is for you? We have a black male Labrador puppy that needs a home. He can go to your home starting 10/18/2024. He has been weaned…
SOLDLooking for a puppy that is for you? We have a black male Labrador puppy with brindle coloring that needs a home. He can go to your home starting 10…