Yorkipoo puppies 4 males left born 6/20/23 will be ready for forever home 8/1/23. Dad is Toy Poodle 8 pounds and mom is Yorkie 6 pounds. Eating Rachael…
SOLDRed tri female with bright blue eyes! Such a loving cuddle! only 4 of the 10 beautiful standard Australian Shepherd puppies remaining. We have 1 red…
SOLDBlue Merle with hazel eyes. Loves to play and cuddle. only 4 of the 10 beautiful standard Australian Shepherd puppies remaining. We have 1 red tri…
SOLDRed tri male with blue eyes. Very sweet, loving and playful. only 4 of the 10 beautiful standard Australian Shepherd puppies remaining. We have 1 red…
SOLDBlue Merle male with 1 blue eye and 1 blue green eye. Very playable. Looks like he is always smiling. Great personality! only 4 of the 10 beautiful…
SOLDBlack tri male with hazel eyes. A real snuggler. only 6 of the 10 beautiful standard Australian Shepherd puppies remaining. We have 2 red tri pups,…