5 week old females, AKC limited registration $800. They will have had their vaccinations and ready for their new homes Feb. 5th
$800Black and Tan Coonhound dog puppies for sale. Extremely smart, perfect markings and excellent all-around dogs.
$3,000AKC miniature schnauzer. DOB August 29, 2023. Tails docked and dew claws removed. UTD on all shots.
SOLD3 of 7 still available... weened and on dry kibble, potty training, manners training, vet clean well-check. They're beautiful, healthy and strong from…
SOLDNALC Male born Nov 13,2023. He is out of two proven dogs. He comes with registration for NALC. He has all age appropriate shots is on a slow release wormer…
SOLDBugsy is all personality. He is extremely smart and is going to make a great dog. His parents are outstanding dogs. Both excel at blood trailing and have…
SOLDHello and we are happy to introduce you to Paris and Beau. Paris is a 7-pound full blood Poodle and Beau is a Yorkipoo, and he is around 9 pounds. We know…
SOLDMeet Sirus, he is an amazing dog. He was a rescue and we here at visit our website took him in and working with him to become a better trained dog who…