beautiful chihuahua puppies - All are KC registered, wormed and vaccinated. Puppies will leave with a puppy pack
$100teacup chihuahua PUPPY for rehoming. upto date on shots. Very sweet and beautiful little girl. we are giving her for free to any loving and caring home…
$200Pug/ Boston terrier . Brindle puppies..1st shots and deformed. Precious location is georgiana Alabama contact 334 748 802 five no spamming
$500Laney is a bold little girl who enjoys exploring wherever she can. She will make an excellent partner for all your adventures!
SOLDCooper currently has a deposit to hold. He is bound for training as a service dog. Heis the proverbial pick of a very fine litter, but check out our other…
SOLDLast one from this gorgeous litter! Beck loves to be loved. Gentle and loving, he is a coal black standard poodle puppy with a laid back personality. He…
SOLDCooper is a regal, cream Stanard poodle who should top out at 60-70 pounds. Crate trained and started on house training, he can make it through the night…
SOLDBelle is a beautiful and sweet soul. She is gentle and kind, going along to get along. She will be easy to live with and lovely to behold…just look at…