UKC American Bully puppy located in Newport, WA is up to date on immunizations and is microchipped with lifetime enrollment. She is crate trained, started…
$10,000Very Loving six Chiweenie Puppies to choose from, both male and females, some with tails some without tails. These babies were raised in the home on…
SOLDBeautiful blue merle short haired chihuahua. She is very loving and playful. She is 9 weeks old.
SOLDThis little man is the runt of the litter and he is tiny. He will stay very small and is very loving and playful.
SOLDChihuahua looking for his forever home. He is very active and loves to play. He has a great personality and would love to go home with you!
SOLDZiggy is a blue merle boy, he will be about 25lb to 27lb when he is all grown up. We have breed Mini Aussies for generations, our lines are super healthy…
SOLDMissy the girl loves toys and is so fun. Roy also loves to play but really wants to be at your heals looking for your next adventure. We raise health…
SOLDGray is black with a little lightning bolt under her chin. She is so fluffy and cuddly. She likes to play, but is content to lay and snuggle. Potty…