Donkey currently weighs 14 onces. He is charting 3 1/2 pounds. He has white stripe on his chest and white on the very tips of his toes. Both mom and dad…
$2,500Freddy is currently 1lb 12 onces. He is charting to be 5 lbs. He is heavy coated. Could possibly be shown. He would be a great stud. Parents are both embark…
$2,000This TINY male is a ton of fun in a small package! He will light up your life! He is only going to be around 3 pounds full grown His body is very compact…
$2,200This TINY male is a ton of fun in a small package! He will light up your life! He is only going to be around 2 to 3 pounds full grown. He has the most…
$1,800Female Born 7/29/2023 Longhaired red sable coloring Mom is a standard wild boar dachshund, AKC registered with champion bloodline. Dad is a red miniature…
SOLDMale Born 7/29/2023 Shorthaired red/wild boar coloring Mom is a standard wild boar dachshund, AKC registered with champion bloodline. Dad is a red miniature…
SOLDRocky is our handsome little guy. Once you see this cutie, it will be love at first sight. Just look at that precious face with the darkest little eyes…
SOLDDewormed, 1shot, 1 male, 2 female, longhaired and shorthaired. 8 weeks old