If you are wondering, could I really be that cute? The answer is no, I am even cuter than you think! And getting cuter every single day. Just wait until…
$750Beautiful chocolate havanese puppies, 2 females and 4 males available. Please text 9317431595 for additional pictures or purchasing information.
SOLDJason is CKC registered male Pomeranian puppy for sale. He is red sable color. He is ready to go to a new home. He will come with his shots & worming up…
SOLDLana is a CKC registered female Pomeranian puppy for sale. She is chocolate particolored. She is ready to go to a new home. She will come with her shots…
SOLDAmber is a CKC registered female Pomeranian puppy for sale. She is a particolored. She is ready to go to a new home. She will come with her shots & worming…
SOLD1 Male yorkie Black/Mahogany in color Deposit required
SOLDJimmy is a CKC registered Pomeranian puppy for sale. He is a red sable color. He has his shots & worming up to date. He comes with his shot record, a Health…
SOLDNick is a CKC registered male parti-color Pomeranian puppy for sale. He is a white color with orange spots and unique markings. He is ready for pick up…