Here is a beautiful black tri boy. He is 8 weeks up to date on vaccines and worming. He’s a very friendly loving puppy. He gets along with other puppies…
SOLDVenti is a precocious Cafe au Lait male Standard poodle. Very smart, he already knows the dog food bag and how to ask for dinner. He demonstrates a calm…
SOLDCapp is the pick of the litter. Large, kind and laid back, who can frequently be seen sleeping with his arms cuddling one on his smaller litter mates.…
SOLDDoppio (a double shot is espresso) is a lively and prancing, beautiful black female standard poodle who already demonstrates a loving temperament and will…
SOLDShe is a Newfoundland/ Saint Bernard mix. The mother was a Newfoundland, the father a Saint Bernard. Both the parents are excellent farm dogs. They are…
SOLDShe is a Newfoundland/ Saint Bernard mix. The mother was a Newfoundland, the father a Saint Bernard. Both the parents are excellent farm dogs. They are…
SOLDHe is a Newfoundland/ Saint Bernard mix. The mother was a Newfoundland, the father a Saint Bernard. Both the parents are excellent farm dogs. They are…
SOLDHe is a Newfoundland/ Saint Bernard mix. The mother was a Newfoundland, the father a Saint Bernard. Both the parents are excellent farm dogs. They are…