1 year old male Malinois. He comes from working lines, obedience trained on and off leash, E collar trained, crate trained and loves to travel. He has…
SOLDFrankie’s parents are AKC (American Kennel Club) registered as is the litter. These puppies have championship lines. All puppies available are black-headed…
SOLDOur AKC Green Collar male is a handsome red & white, and is DM/vWD clear by parentage. All of our puppies are raised in our home surrounded by our family…
SOLDPanther is a black and white purebred Australian Shepherd with a black tri colored mom and a blue Merle dad. He will range between 43-47 lb as an adult…
SOLDWe have a litter available. We have had great success with our pups. They are large have a good disposition and do their guard duties. These pups are…
SOLD9.5 week Standard male Black Tri Australian Shepherd. UTD on shots and wormer. Tail docked and dewclaws removed.
SOLD8.5 week old standard male Blue Merle Tri Australian Shepherd. UTD on shots and wormer. Tail docked and dewclaws removed.
SOLDWe have a litter available. We have had great success with our pups. They are large have a good disposition and do their guard duties. These pups are…