AKC Keeshond Puppies, I have been raising Keeshond puppies for over 40 years. They are handled daily to build a better bond for your family. They will…
SOLDZiggy is a blue merle boy, he will be about 25lb to 27lb when he is all grown up. We have breed Mini Aussies for generations, our lines are super healthy…
SOLDAndrew was born on March 18th 2023. He is a healthy, curious registered red tri male. His parents have both been genetically tested and have been DNA…
SOLDHi my name is Shakyla and we are located in Southwest Wisconsin. We do not breed regularly. My Australian Shepherd, Gunner (Merle with blue eyes), and…
SOLDPENDING Hi my name is Shakyla and we are located in Southwest Wisconsin. We do not breed regularly. My Australian Shepherd, Gunner (Merle with blue…
SOLDPENDING Hi my name is Shakyla and we are located in Southwest Wisconsin. We do not breed regularly. My Australian Shepherd, Gunner (Merle with blue…
SOLDGerman shepherds are protective, loyal companions. Bred with a strong work ethic, they are among the most popular dog breeds in the United States thanks…
SOLDGerman shepherds are protective, loyal companions. Bred with a strong work ethic, they are among the most popular dog breeds in the United States thanks…