Ready to find there loving homes. First shots and all deworming for age. In house bred and socialized with other dogs Local delivery meeting to surrounding…
SOLD"Bilbo" is ready to go home to his new family! All of our corgis love their people, but this guy in particular lives for snuggling and attention! We are…
SOLDMicky is a red merle that is very friendly and he's a active puppy. He has blue eyes. He is 6 weeks old and will be ready to go to his forever home Sept…
SOLDSpot is a red merle with blue eyes. He is very active and super cute. He is 6 weeks old and is up-to-date on vaccines and worming. He will be ready to…
SOLDPatch is the smallest of the litter and he holds his own. He is very loving and friendly. He is a red merle with blue eyes. He is up-to-date on vaccines…
SOLD500 OBO!! Elvis is a standard unregistered black tri colored Australian Shepherd. His sire is an AKC registered red Merle aussie and his dam is a pointy…
SOLDInk, the adorable and energetic Mini Aussie puppy, is ready to fill your home with love and laughter. With his playful nature and wagging tail, Ink brings…
SOLDReady to go home on August 30th! We are so pleased with this litter -- Born with natural bob tails, champion bloodlines, DM/vwd clear by parentage. Their…