Meet Smokie... I am a great doggie in the need of a home. I am a mix of lab and Great Pyrenees. I am a loving dog who just loves to be with my humans,…
SOLDHe is a Multi-generational Standard sized (55 -70lbs ) and raised in our home. He is a deep red that comes from his grampa Noodles, strong opinions but…
SOLDHe is a Multi-generational Standard sized (55 -70lbs ) and raised in our home. This boy is one that loves attention and is learning fast, he also follows…
SOLDBear is a F1 Solid Black Labradoodle. He is a little cuttle bug and loves attention. Parents are AKC Charcoal Lab(mom) and AKC Merle Standard Poodle(dad…
SOLDTank is a F1 merle Labradoodle. He is a little cuttle bug and loves attention. Parents are AKC Charcoal Lab(mom) and AKC Merle Standard Poodle(dad) and…
SOLDF1B generation Labradoodle. Nice deep chocolate color with brown noses. The smallest boy has a bit of white on the tip of one foot. Hypoallergenic. Mom…