Boy 3 - Long Hair Chihuahua, Milky Chocolate & Tan ! Fabulous looking boy. great color pattern lay out on him. He is purebred Long Hair Chihuahua, registered…
SOLD23 Week Male puppy with lots of love, can be timid at first, but after that he has total love. Likes to cuddle!
SOLDWith a white heart shaped patch on his nose, he is the perfect Valentines Day Gift Male -Long Hair Chihuahua - small and loving, wanting a forever home…
SOLDPatron, the playful and adventurous Dachshund puppy, is a natural toy enthusiast. Whether it's a squeaky ball or a plush stuffed animal, Patron is always…
SOLDMeet Bruno, he is a beautiful Apple Head Long Hair Chihuahua, Black & Tan coloring. Bruno is very playful & outgoing. He is charting to be about 8/9 pounds…
SOLDMeet MILO, he is a beautiful Apple Head Long Hair Chihuahua, Black & Tan coloring. Milo is very playful & outgoing. He's a tiny guy. He is charting to…
SOLDMeet NUGGET, he is a beautiful Apple Head Long Hair Chihuahua. Nugget is Milk Chocolate & Tan coloring. Nugget is very sweet, gentle, playful & outgoing…
SOLDMale Born 7/29/2023 Shorthaired red/wild boar coloring Mom is a standard wild boar dachshund, AKC registered with champion bloodline. Dad is a red miniature…