Beetovan is an lively boy and loves giving kisses. He is a joy to be with and will make you a great member of your family.
$1,000Beautiful color markings. These puppies are Yorkie and Maltese. These little ones are looking for their forever loving home. Will get along well and fast…
$999Who wouldn't love a TEDDY BEAR? Loveable and adorable small male will give you and yours years of unconditional love, entertainment and loyalty. How…
$1,975BUSTER BROWN can make anyone's heart melt. Look at those eyes! He is so sweet and loves loves loves to snuggle! Tri-colored black, tan and white. Socialized…
$1,975Marshmallow is ready for a new family to be a part of. Let this handsome little boy give you unconditional love. Parti-colored: white and light orange…
$1,975Beautiful color markings. These puppies are Yorkie and Maltese. These little ones are looking for their forever loving home. Will get along well and fast…
$999Beautiful color markings. These puppies are Yorkie and Maltese. These little ones are looking for their forever loving home. Will get along well and fast…
$999Beautiful, healthy and Super fluffy Toy Poodle Puppies. They all have silky soft fur. These babies are looking for a for ever loving home. Will be small…