Beautiful and playful Maltese Puppy. 12 weeks. Very energetic and playful. You will love him the minute you see him! He is the most loving. Enjoys…
SOLD(PLEASE READ) UTD vaccines/worming Cream w/white chest and some black on ears, eyebrows, & mouth - refer to pics - Male Shih Tzu pup - Born: 02 Jan 2023…
SOLDDOB: 12/4/2023. Dad is 11 inches 11 lbs. Mom is 15 inches 16 lbs. Puppies charting to be between 11-14 lbs. No dilution genes and high intensity with…
SOLDMother is a wire hair chiweenie 11 # Dad is a long hair Chihuahua - he's a real sweet dog
SOLDThis is Tybee and Penny's second litter. They are both toy poodles and will weigh 10lbs at most full grown. Mom is 7lbs and dad is 6lbs, so I say under…
SOLDThis is Tybee and Penny's second litter. They are both toy poodles and will weigh 10lbs at most full grown. Mom is 7lbs and dad is 6lbs, so I say under…
SOLDThis is Tybee and Penny's second litter. They are both toy poodles and will weigh 10lbs at most full grown. Mom is 7lbs and dad is 6lbs, so I say under…
SOLDThis is Tybee and Penny's second litter. They are both toy poodles and will weigh 10lbs at most full grown. Mom is 7lbs and dad is 6lbs, so I say under…