Chihuahua looking for his forever home. He is very active and loves to play. He has a great personality and would love to go home with you!
SOLDGoku is a stunning fawn male Pug puppy. He Loves to run, play and cuddle! He does great with the other puppies and kids. Goku is super charming and would…
SOLDAxel is such an awesome and cuddly little Havanese puppy. He loves to run around with his friends and play with his toys. We love to have our puppies playing…
SOLDQuentin is a cute male Havapoo. Havapoo make great pets since they do not shed and are very affectionate. He loves to run around with his friends and play…
SOLDThe Yorkshire terrier is a small toy dog breed native to England with a long, silky coat that’s often black and tan. Also known as Yorkies, these dogs…
SOLDShih Tzu Puppy: Male - CKC Registered - Born: 24 May 2023 - Ready to go: 5 July 2023. He is black & white. Mother: Laoghaire (pronounced Leery) Father…
SOLDVictor is an adorable and loving ACA male Yorkie puppy. He loves to give lots of kisses and play with squeaky toys. We love to have our puppies playing…
SOLDIntroducing Vince, the charming male Cream and White Shih Tzu, a delightful blend of elegance, affection, and spirited energy. Vince is a beloved companion…