Purebred AKC Blue Merle Pomeranian puppies just born! 2 boys are available. Once you complete your deposit for the pup you want, you will have the option…
$3,000Freddy is currently 1lb 12 onces. He is charting to be 5 lbs. He is heavy coated. Could possibly be shown. He would be a great stud. Parents are both embark…
$2,000Meet Bam Bam, he is a stunning Black & White parti male Pomeranian, has mostly White. Great AKC Champion bloodlines, a very well created boy. Pedigree…
$2,400Beautiful Blue merle with Tan points. Going to be a bit bigger girl. 9-11 pounds as adult. She is gorgeous,.. going to have a very big double coat, currently…
$1,800Adorable Blue Merle male pup! His birthday is 1/27/23 and he is ready for his forever family! Charting weight is 4lbs fully grown. He will come to you…
SOLDMeet Giselle, a beautiful white and red merle pom pup. She is charting to be 4lbs, with stunning green eyes and will be given to new home up to date on…
SOLDAva is a beautiful blue Merle female DOB 4/18/23. She is AKC registered, current weight is 3.6 lbs. charting to be 7.3 lbs. she is vetted with age appropriate…
SOLDPetals is 8 weeks old, beautiful short face, ( Teddy Bear ) Pomeranian female, Ghost Merle, Orange, has 2 blue eyes. She is charting to be 4.5 pounds as…