Lil Chip is a red merle puppy. He is very active and sweet. He is using a litter box. His parents are akc registered they both have had their ofa's done…
$1,500Lil Doc is a sweet boy and he is very playful. He is utd on his vaccines and worming. He has been using a litter box. Although he is a herding dog and…
$1,500Dolly is a miniature shepherd (mini aussie) she is super sweet and very friendly. She is a black tri with one green eye and one blue eye. She is up-to…
SOLDSamba is a mini aussie she is on the quieter side. Very sweet and lovable and very intelligent, she has one blue eye and one brown. She is akc registerable…
SOLDElliott is a beautiful Black tri Miniature American Shepherd. He is 12 weeks old and is utd on vaccines and worming. He’s a very sweet loving puppy. He…