Male and Female Shih Tzu puppies. We have 2 females and 3 males looking to go to a loving and forever homes. They will be Flead, Wormed. These puppies…
$5008 weeks old, both parents are ours, puppies are healthy and well, wormed and fleed, microchipped and vaccinated. Mother and father live with us so can…
$600For more information Call or Text: +1 (817) 818-2960 These babies are being lovingly raised and cared for with no expense spared, pups will have had…
$500Malt Shi Puppies. Males and females available. Current with their shots and dewormed. Ready for their new homes. Puppies come with a health guarantee and…
$799Shih Poo Puppies. Males and females available. Current with their shots and dewormed. Ready for their new homes. Puppies come with a health guarantee and…
$799Mal Shi Puppies. Male and female available. Current with their shots and dewormed. Ready for their new homes. Puppies come with a health guarantee and…
$899Beautiful Shihtzu ready 12/18. They’ll have several worming and UTD on shots when ready for furever home. They are well socialized and loving.
SOLD?We make puppies an album at 2 weeks of age and start taking deposits. The album is updated every 2 weeks until they leave for their furever home. ?Puppies…