Beautiful french bulldog puppies, platinum creme color males and females, 9 weeks old, AKC papers, great pedigree, immunizations up to date, ready for…
$2,800Hi, the first several pictures you are looking is me Mocha, and Last two pictures are my parents Monica and Messi. I am currently one and half month old…
SOLDCooper currently has a deposit to hold. He is bound for training as a service dog. Heis the proverbial pick of a very fine litter, but check out our other…
SOLDLast one from this gorgeous litter! Beck loves to be loved. Gentle and loving, he is a coal black standard poodle puppy with a laid back personality. He…
SOLDCooper is a regal, cream Stanard poodle who should top out at 60-70 pounds. Crate trained and started on house training, he can make it through the night…
SOLDBelle is a beautiful and sweet soul. She is gentle and kind, going along to get along. She will be easy to live with and lovely to behold…just look at…
SOLDMorgan is a beautiful, big, black standard poodle. She is calm and friendly. She loves to frolic and play hide and seek. Cuddling is her favorite hobby…
SOLDBeck is an elegant, kind and beautiful male standard poodle. He loves to play, but is laid back and well behaved. He was born Super Bowl Sunday, and we…