Beautiful black and white Poodle Boy He will make a Great pet or Breeder. Looking for a good family. Black with White chest. Weighs 11 lbs
$400Beautiful tiny t-cup looking for Love. He is Apricot .He will be the perfect companion for someone. He will be 11 weeks old the 17 of Jan.. only weighs…
$2,000Beautiful Brown and White Parti Poodle Boy charting to weigh 5 lbs grown. Looking for a great family home.
$1,800I have two “ pick of litter” puppies born of Mocha & Liberty . One is brown &white Parti the other Silver/cream. They have been wormed appropriately…
$700First Place!!! Congratulations to our very special miniature poodle puppy, Leo (Prism’s Splendid Work of Art DaVinci). He won first place, best of…
SOLDPresenting Colin, (AKC-registered, Prism’s Splendid Laddie Colin), originally brown, whose coat is now fading to a lovely cafe au lait. He was born on…
SOLDTwo gorgeous miniature poodle puppies available to approved homes. Look-alike “twins”, a female and a male are looking for their forever families! They…
SOLDText or call our phone number. Parents are genetically health tested and clear. To secure your choice of puppy secure it with a $500.00 non-refundable deposit…