Hi. I am a owner of 1 family inside pet. Our beautiful Tara Lillian. She is a black and silver miniature schnauzer. She is small in stature. Weighing approximately…
i have been a breeder for a long time
I am not a breeder, I wanted one litter from my Bully
Pit bull pups. . Chinaman and june gotti bloodline. Laid back and playful. 3 males and 2 female.. brown, brown and white. $50 each
I am a recent breeder of AKC English Setters, I am not a puppy mill owner, just someone with a desire to continue this beautiful breed. My sire and dam both…
I breed toy/miniature poodles full blooded but they do not have papers I have puppies for sale please feel free to call or text for pictures or any photos or…