LuvDanes is based in Mount Juliet, TN. We raise happy healthy family oets that would love to become part of your family. We have been raising Danes for over…
These puppies are 100% European. Their mother is Orca Von Asgard is red and their father is an european import named Fast and Furious De Wolffire and he is…
Have bred registered, full-blooded German Shepherds for 12 years now.
Have a teacup poodle female for sale she is a sweet little poodle.she is 9weeks old she is up to date on shots and deworm .....asking..600.00 dollar for her…
He is 14months old. He is registered with 14 generations on him. He has been microchipped. He is kennel broke and house broke. He is good with children. He…
Loving family of three. Cared for and loved dogs and cats for many years.
We are a Family owned breeder. We only have 2 litters of puppies a year. Our Schnauzers are part of the family. Our puppies are raised in our home, Not in a…
Ronnie and Teresa Pekingese 11 months old male ice white house broken and a very loving, very good watch dog. Sweet Sweet dog we just dont have the time…