DogsNow Breeder & Services Directory

Columbus Oh, OH


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Yorkshire Terrier
Daycare & Dog Sitting
Any Day of the Week
Plainwell, MI

I would love to buy this dog for my husband

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Albany, OH

Doberman pincher

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Hartland, MI

5 month old Coon Hound. Dark red, black mask and ears. Very good temperament, good with other dogs, cats and children. Excellent pet ! 300.00 Cindy

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Freeland, MI

Family that loves dogs but just found out we can't have him.

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Indianapolis, IN

Wanting a female siberian husky puppie have great experience with this breed. I have a big back yard for the dog to play in will be with a loving family.

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Liberty, IN

Looking for a Basset Hound puppy.

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Lebanon, OH

English Mastiff Enthusiast! Best Dogs on the Plante! I have two. Zeus is over 200 lbs, and Xena is about 125 lbs. These dogs are the sweetest, and biggest…

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