DogsNow Breeder & Services Directory



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Carmel, IN

Looking for a new friend.

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I have a 3 year old female black lab and a 5 year old female black lab mix. Both dogs are fixed and up to date on shots. We need to find homes for them as soon…

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Royal Oak, MI

Would like to give a loving home to a small breed dog.

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Indianapolis, IN


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$100.00 / Dog Breeding
Any Day of the Week
Lansing, MI

We are an in home breeder, just bred our American Pit bull female. She is an incredibly attractive and awesome pet, we always have people commenting on how…

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I have been breeding miniature dachschunds for 3 years.

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Lancaster, OH

I'm a small hobby breeder that loves the maltese breed and think everyone should have one or two. Being hypo allergenic and non shedding make for a perfect…

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