Beautiful french bulldog puppies, platinum creme color males and females, 9 weeks old, AKC papers, great pedigree, immunizations up to date, ready for…
$2,800This is Madi and Callie, and they are about 24 weeks old! They are both AKC registered as well. We are willing to sell them separately but would prefer…
SOLDWe have 2 beautiful Yorkie puppies available! 1 male, 1 female ready to go to their forever home! They are CKC registered, vaccinated and have a health…
SOLDWe have 2 beautiful Yorkie puppies available! 1 male, 1 female ready to go to their forever home! They are CKC registered, vaccinated and have a health…
SOLDThree Dobe/Aussie available.Mother is a doberman and has won multiple awards for coursing. She has been in our family since she was born and wanted to…