He will be able to go home 1/27/2022
SOLDDestiny is a CKC registered female Pomeranian puppy for sale. She is ready for pick up now. She is black in color with a few white spots. She will come…
SOLDMaddie is a CKC registered female Pomeranian puppy for sale. She is ready for pick up now. She is a Blue Merle color. She will come with her first shots…
SOLDGorgeous small ICE White parti Girl. AKC registered. Mother is orange pied parti, father is BLACK, Born 8/8/2021, will be ready to leave first part of…
SOLDGorgeous small cream Girl. ckc of akc lines. registered. Mother is blue merle, father is white, Born 9/8/2021, will be vetted, Health cert.. Ready for…
SOLDGorgeous small Black & White parti Girl. AKC registered. Mother is ice white , father is orange, Born 9/21/2021,, will be vetted, Health cert.. Ready for…
SOLDGorgeous small orange Girl. AKC LINES registered. Mother is ice white , father is orange, Born 9/21/2021,, will be vetted, Health cert.. Ready for a hold…
SOLDGorgeous small Black & White parti Girl. AKC registered. Mother is ice white , father is orange, Born 9/21/2021,, will be vetted, Health cert.. Ready for…