Cole will be available December 29th,2024. He was born November 3rd,2024. He is not registered.
$1,200Nico will be available December 29th,2024. He was born November 3rd,2024. He is not registered.
$1,200Piper will be available December 29th,2024. He was born November 3rd,2024. He is not registered.
$1,200TEXT US FOR MORE INFORMATION : +1 (817) 818-2960 These babies are being lovingly raised and cared for with no expense spared, pups will have had three…
$550My sweet Phoebe Bleu had pups on March 20th 2024. The pups have had health check and 2nd set of shots.
SOLDMy sweet Phoebe Bleu had pups on March 20th 2024. The pups have had health check and 2nd set of shots. They are 22 weeks old.