Eddy was born on May 20th 2022. He is very playful, loving. and very social. All of our dogs live with us in our home. We are an animal loving family who…
SOLDMiniature Schnauzer -CKC. Puppies are docked and dew claws removed. They will be given their first shot, dewormed, and come with registration paperwork…
SOLDThese beauties are Toy Schnoodle puppies. Dad and mon is 10lbs and dad is 12lbs. The puppies were born on July 20th and will be ready for your home on…
SOLDThese beauties are Toy Schnoodle puppies. Dad and mon is 10lbs and dad is 12lbs. The puppies were born on July 20th and will be ready for your home on…
SOLDAnnie is a loveable little red female Poochon puppy. She is such a bubbly puppy and loves to be social. All our puppies are up to date on their shots and…
SOLDPetunia is a darling little female Yorkie puppy. Petunia is very social and loves to meet new people and play with her siblings. All our puppies are up…
SOLDThe Pomimo is a lively active little dog who makes an excellent family pet. They are great with children of all ages and very affectionate. The Pomimo…
SOLDLabor Day Special for families only! Org $925.00 For Labor Day $50.00 off and if a Veteran retired or active another $50 off with proof. This exp 9/11…