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How do I place an ad?


What you'll need to do first is create a user account here: http://www.dogsnow.com/account_form.htm Then, you'll need to click on the Place an Ad menu item near the top of the site. That will present you with 4 choices (Premium Plus, Premium, Standard (free), and Basic (free)). Just decide which ad works for you an click on one. You'll then see the ad form, which will ask you for all kinds of information about your dog, give you the ability to upload photos, etc. depending on the type of ad you choose. You can "Feature" your ad if you'd like to colorize it and have it show up in the right sidebar and home page scroller. Also, if you select a paid ad, you'll need to have a Visa/MC/Amex/Disc handy. Fill out the forms then click the Preview button and if OK, click the Save button. That's all there is too it. Let us know if you have any problems and thank you for using our site...

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Article details

Article ID: 5

Category: How To

Date added: 2012-11-28 05:49:48

Views: 409

Rating (Votes): Article rated 1.9/5.0 (9)

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