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What's the best way to advertise my farm?


There's a couple of ways to advertise your Farm. You can place an ad in our Services section and/or you can add the farm to our Farm Directory. For either method, you'll need to create an account and fill out a user profile. The address that you use (physical address) should be that of the farm so that when someone does a search for a horse by state the horses will come up. After you create an account, login to your account management area. From there, you can click on the Services tab then the Place an Ad top menu item which will bring up the Services ad form. For the Farm Directory, you can fill out a Farm/Company profile (in the left menu of the account management area). You don't need to place any ads for horses or services to get listed in the farm directory. Simply filling out your contact information with a mailing address and the company / farm form will be enough to get listed. All the ads you place for horses under this account will then be associated with the Farm. The Farm Directory is very large, however, and your farm might get some good exposure in the Services area (but you should consider doing both).
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Article details

Article ID: 7

Category: How To

Date added: 2012-11-28 06:07:02

Views: 1958

Rating (Votes): Article rated 3.3/5.0 (80)

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