Purebred AKC champion line papillon puppies just born! 3 boys are available. The boys are $2,500 each. Once you complete your deposit for the pup you want…
$2,500Adorable Blue Merle male pup! His birthday is 1/27/23 and he is ready for his forever family! Charting weight is 4lbs fully grown. He will come to you…
SOLDPaperanian puppies ready to go. open for deposits currently. These babies are super tiny and beautiful! Open to facetimes and videos before deposit as…
SOLDPaperanian puppies will be ready to go in September. Autumn is a red and white girl. She'll look like a beautiful and desirable ginger papillon when she…
SOLDTruffle is an adorable tri colored paperanian. She'll look just like a full papillon when she's older, with shorter ears. Pomeranian gene just makes them…
SOLDPaperanian puppies will be ready to go in September. There are 3 girls, 1 boy; open for deposits currently. These babies are super tiny and beautiful!…
SOLDMeet Giselle, a beautiful white and red merle pom pup. She is charting to be 4lbs, with stunning green eyes and will be given to new home up to date on…
SOLDAdorable Blue Merle male pup with blue eyes! Her birthday is 1/27/23 and she will be ready for her new home after March 24th. Charting weight is 4lbs fully…