Male and Female Shih Tzu puppies. We have 2 females and 3 males looking to go to a loving and forever homes. They will be Flead, Wormed. These puppies…
$500BUSTER BROWN can make anyone's heart melt. Look at those eyes! He is so sweet and loves loves loves to snuggle! Tri-colored black, tan and white. Socialized…
$1,975Who wouldn't love a real TEDDY BEAR? Loveable and adorable small tricolored male will give you years of unconditional love, company and loyalty. How…
$1,975I have one Beautiful Female Teacup Shih Tzu Puppy for re-homing . She's 12 weeks old. Potty trained, crate trained, registered, in good health and eating…
$650Small Female Yorkie For Rehoming One of a kind female Yorkie looking for a loving and caring home. Her name is Zoe and she weighs around 3lbs. Yes she…
$600Happy New Year and welcome BOO into your home. A teacup tricolored male Pom is looking for a new family. Being so tiny but loves to snuggle. He's alert…
$2,000What a way to start a new year! Cuddles a small female tricolored Pom will bring you years of unconditional love. She's feisty, healthy and alert. Socialized…
$2,025Want a new BUDDY in your life? Here's the perfect little guy for you. Active. Tail Wagging. Adorable. He loves to play then snuggle. He'll be current…