2month old a Goldador, she is a golden retriever mixed with a Labrador. she is playful, friendly, smart and she love to cuddle,
SOLDJustin is a dazzling little male Teddy Bear puppy. He is a friendly puppy and loves to make new friends during playtime. We love to have our puppies playing…
SOLDWilly is a sweet and loving little Pomeranian puppy. He is a fun puppy who loves to play and cuddle. He will make a great family pet! We love to have our…
SOLDDusty has a sweet temperament!! Teddy Bears are a Shih-tzu and Bichon Frise cross. They will not shed and are hypoallergenic. Dusty will greet you right…
SOLDFelix is the cutest Teddy Bear (Shih-Tzu/Bichon Frise) puppy with a big personality and is so funny. Felix has a great disposition and loves playing with…
SOLDAiden is an astonishing little male Mini Goldendoodle puppy. He loves to gets baths and be brushed! We love to have our puppies playing, socializing and…
SOLDScotty is the sweetest Mini Goldendoodle puppy. Scotty enjoys being outside and playing with the other pups. He is great while giving her baths and loves…
SOLDRex is a smart and charming little Male Mini Goldendoodle puppy. He is such a sweetheart and is always so gentle with the other puppies. We love to have…