Male and Female poodle puppies. We have 3 females and 2 males looking to go to a loving and forever homes. They will be Flead, Wormed. These puppies…
$500We Breed With Our Hearts 1 male 3 females left Puppies are ready or their new homes next month! They look like little teddy bears. The perfect purfect…
$555Beautiful Brown and White Parti Poodle Boy charting to weigh 5 lbs grown. Looking for a great family home.
$1,800I have two “ pick of litter” puppies born of Mocha & Liberty . One is brown &white Parti the other Silver/cream. They have been wormed appropriately…
$700Meet Snickers! This little guy is so lovable!!! He is a much sought after F1B Cockapoo. With his mother being a small Cockapoo and his father being a…
SOLDMeet Sedrick! He is a much sought after F1B Cockapoo. With his mother being a small Cockapoo and his father being a registered AKC Toy Poodle, this little…
SOLDPresenting Colin, (AKC-registered, Prism’s Splendid Laddie Colin), originally brown, whose coat is now fading to a lovely cafe au lait. He was born on…
SOLDCongratulations – you have found the best place in the country to get your new teacup or toy puppy. Puppy Heaven brings you the best selection of teacup…