Private part time home hobby breeder who has limited litters available and selectively breeds for health, structure and tempermant. Puppies are family raised…
I'm a breeder of Labradoodles and labradoodle infusions. I have been breeding for over 7 years and i'm a code of ethics breeder. All pups are raised in home…
We have many years of experience breeding dogs. We love our dogs and strive to produce Healthy sound puppies. They receive excellent care before coming to you…
my daughter is pleading with me to get a miniature aussie. This is the only kind of dog she wants. She is a true animal lover, who will love and adore this…
malti poo
At The Big Boi Kennel, we specialize in breeding Blue-Nose American Pit-bull Terriers and produce blue pit-bull puppies a few times a year. We have many years…