Private part time home hobby breeder who has limited litters available and selectively breeds for health, structure and tempermant. Puppies are family raised…
We have many years of experience breeding dogs. We love our dogs and strive to produce Healthy sound puppies. They receive excellent care before coming to you…
Beautiful male french bulldog up for sale...up to date on shots, vet checked and with vet certificate....has no health issues, super friendly with kids and…
malti poo
Import/Export of dogs mainly English and French Bulldog. Delivery is about 8 days up to 2 weeks. We care about each one of our friends and pups, from food to…
This is Isabella She is 6 months old house trained. Sometimes she'll have an accident if new people are around because she gets excited. Shes so well disappointed…
I have blue nose bully puppies for sale is 2 females and 2 boy if u want more information about the dog text me I want to make sure they go to a good home where…