Looking for a female puppy
Please, go to www.chenowethfarm.com to see pictures or search "Chenoweth farm" and then "Chenoweth Farm Channel" on YouTube. Chenoweth Kennels Mission is…
We have too many dogs in the house and just need to get rid of some
Hello our family raises AKC German Shepherd pups on our family farm in Huntington Indiana. We have both sire and dam on site. They are both AKC registered,…
5 ckc reg. Pug puppies for sale 8 wks. and ready to find their forever homes. 3 black females and 1 fawn female and 1 fawn male.
I bought the dog for my girlfriend and she can't have him he is a caring dog he is 3 months old, he is brindle and has all of his shots.
I have a female brindle pit bull. She was born in October so she is about 8 months old now. She is update on all shots and knows sit, down, leave it, and watch…
Franklin Dog Dog Walkers
Franklin Dog Therapists