$700 each pup must go to a forever home. born 1/9/2016 will be ready to go 3/7/2016
Theresa grew up raising yorkies. She is a combat veteran and teachers aid. She extremely good care of her dogs and their offspring.
Private home raised puppies. If you have any questions it will be my pleasure to speak to you. Please call Maureen at 610-323-2046 or 484-366-6422. Be aware…
We bought this dogie and have papers. she sometimes likes to sanp when she does not get her way. This is a beautiful dog and would be great with adults. …
Expert and advocate for the American Pit Bull Terrier. Active and compete in fun dog sports for over 15 years! I only have a breeding every 2-3 years. Next…
A lovable and addorable maltipoo who loves to play ball. He needs a family who can give him alot of love and attention. $350.00, will give away two cages, beds…
I am a small in-home breeder. I am committed to producing the best puppies.
Currently have a 5 year old male Rottie and a 2 year old male Pug. My Rottie is certified is a certified therapy dog that I take into nursing homes and autistic…