Private part time home hobby breeder who has limited litters available and selectively breeds for health, structure and tempermant. Puppies are family raised…
my little sister loves puppies
I have been a breeder for 10 years
I breed teacup yorkies and morkies. customer receives a 1 year written health warranty and 24 hour support by myself (the breeder).
I Have a male mini bull terrier puppy for sale I bred my female with a stud from state of Washington stud won MBTCA National Specialty my female was breed in…
Welcome to Millionaire Muttz .... I have been breeding gorgeous AKC show quality Frenchy's for 15 years ...
I love dogs and I have a passion on knowing the dogs that leave from my breed will get a long lived and great quality addition to thier family and home. I have…
To Tray-Jo's Cockers we specialize in Black and A.S.C.O.B. Variety's. With Black and Tan's and Browns being our favorite. We are a small, hobby/show home located…