2month old a Goldador, she is a golden retriever mixed with a Labrador. she is playful, friendly, smart and she love to cuddle,
SOLDThese babies were born on April 26th and are just gorgeous. They are MINI GOLDENDOODLES. Mom is a 40lb goldendoodle and dad is a 12lb mini poodle. Their…
SOLDHart has it all! Energetic. Adorable. Cute as he can be! Handsome registered purebred Pomeranian. Pee-pad trained. Parents on site. Current on shots, de…
SOLDIsabella is a sweet little Mini Goldendoodle puppy. She is a fun puppy who loves to play and cuddle. She will make a great family pet! She has a warm personality…
SOLDFreya is a sweet little female Teddy Bear puppy. She is a lovely little gal and has such a gentle, kind personality. Freya will greet you right at the…
SOLDJester is a friendly little tan male Goldendoodle puppy. Jester loves to run around and play but also enjoys long, relaxing naps. He has great balance…
SOLDJustin is a dazzling little male Teddy Bear puppy. He is a friendly puppy and loves to make new friends during playtime. We love to have our puppies playing…
SOLDWilly is a sweet and loving little Pomeranian puppy. He is a fun puppy who loves to play and cuddle. He will make a great family pet! We love to have our…