Lil Doc is a sweet boy and he is very playful. He is utd on his vaccines and worming. He has been using a litter box. Although he is a herding dog and…
$1,500Lil Chip is a red merle puppy. He is very active and sweet. He is using a litter box. His parents are akc registered they both have had their ofa's done…
$1,500Have 3 females and 4 male puppies. Born Oct 4,2021. Really playful and sweet. Need gone ASAP!!
SOLD8 week puppies ready to go to a good home. Raised around children and have been socialized. Up to date vaccines and have been dewormed.
SOLDI have a beautiful Black male, Yorkie-Poo. He has had his first shot, wormed, declawed, and tail dock. Very playful, loving, eating good, parents on site…
SOLDI have a beautiful female Maltipoo. She has had her first and second shot, wormed, declawed. She is very playful, and loving. She will be ready for her…
SOLDBeautiful female Maltipoo. She has had her first shot, wormed, and declawed. Very playful and loving. She will be ready to go to her forever home 2/26…
SOLDCKC Registered. Up to date on shots and deworming. Vet checked. Raised around kids and farm animals. 8o387825o8