we have 5 females. taking deposits down on these babies. cost 1,500. born 12/6/2024. reserve your baby today. they are born and raised in my home. with…
$1,500Text or call our phone number. Parents are genetically health tested and clear. To secure your choice of puppy secure it with a $500.00 non-refundable deposit…
SOLDText or call 3369304315 Carolyn. Some pictures are taken during outside playtime. 2 black girls, 1 chocolate girls Description: F1B generation labradoodle…
SOLDPoodles are very intelligent, easily trained, and can be excellent therapy pets. These puppies are deep red and will range from 11-13 lbs. Tabasco, dad…
SOLDPrice is for pet homes. Puppies tails docked by the veterinarian. They will receive a comprehensive health check and vaccine prior to going to new homes…
SOLDThese boys have been seen for comprehensive health checks by the veterinarian and are current on vaccines & dewormings. The price is for pet homes. He…
SOLDMason is full of energy and loves playing. He will be around 12-13 lbs as an adult. He also likes giving kisses and snuggling with you. He is playful and…
SOLDMace is playful and loving. He was seen for his comprehensive health check by the veterinarian and received a clear bill of health plus a negative fecal…