Mom is Mexibell. She is 15 inches 16 lbs. Dad is Tabasco. He is 11 inches 11 lbs. The puppies will range between the parents' sizes. They are deep red…
SOLDText or call 3369304315. Taking deposits to reserve a puppy. We have 3 male intense red miniature puppies not yet reserved. We will have more deep red…
SOLDTaking applications for these amazing deep red AKC puppies from OFA-certified parents. Dad is 11 inches and 11 lbs. Mom is 13 inches and 13 lbs. Puppies…
SOLDDOB: 12/4/2023. Dad is 11 inches 11 lbs. Mom is 15 inches 16 lbs. Puppies charting to be between 11-14 lbs. No dilution genes and high intensity with both…
SOLDDOB: 12/4/2023. Dad is 11 inches 11 lbs. Mom is 15 inches 16 lbs. Puppies charting to be between 11-14 lbs. No dilution genes and high intensity with…
SOLDMexibell, mom, is at the upper end of miniature poodles at 15 inches and 16.6 lbs. Tabasco, dad, is at the lower end of miniature poodles at 11 inches…
SOLDFanci comes from the Woodlands Cottage lines on dad's side. Fanci will come potty trained to pads and litter box, current on dewormings and health checked…
SOLDMurphy comes from world champion bloodlines of the Woodlands Cottage lines on mom's side and Hungarian lines on dad's side. Murphy will come potty trained…