Eddy was born on May 20th 2022. He is very playful, loving. and very social. All of our dogs live with us in our home. We are an animal loving family who…
SOLDLevi is an intact male who has had all of his shots and has had a cherry eye removed. We are getting out of the Bulldog breeding to concentrate on our…
SOLDAKC registered puppy DoB April 30 2022 [8 weeks as of June 25 2022] Located in Johnston IA *Rehoming fee is for limited registration only, if you…
SOLDCKC Registered. Up to date on shots and deworming. Vet checked. Raised around kids and farm animals. 8o387825o8
SOLDMeet Smokie... I am a great doggie in the need of a home. I am a mix of lab and Great Pyrenees. I am a loving dog who just loves to be with my humans,…
SOLDMeet Scout, he is looking for his forever home. His previous owners had to give him up due to conflicts within the home. He has been trained and knows…
SOLDWe have 3 sweet precious Dalmatian puppies available for adoption! They are vaccinated up to date, including a bordatella (kennel cough) vaccine. They…
SOLDWe have 3 sweet precious Dalmatian puppies available for adoption! They are vaccinated up to date, including a bordatella (kennel cough) vaccine. They…