If you are wondering, could I really be that cute? The answer is no, I am even cuter than you think! And getting cuter every single day. Just wait until…
$750Purebred AKC Blue Merle Pomeranian puppies just born! 2 boys are available. Once you complete your deposit for the pup you want, you will have the option…
$3,000Freddy is currently 1lb 12 onces. He is charting to be 5 lbs. He is heavy coated. Could possibly be shown. He would be a great stud. Parents are both embark…
$2,000Meet Bam Bam, he is a stunning Black & White parti male Pomeranian, has mostly White. Great AKC Champion bloodlines, a very well created boy. Pedigree…
$2,400Beautiful Blue merle with Tan points. Going to be a bit bigger girl. 9-11 pounds as adult. She is gorgeous,.. going to have a very big double coat, currently…
$1,800Sweet female looking to retire. Loves family. Spay contract will need to be in place. AKC. Traveling to Redding, CA from Western Nebraska. We can meet…
SOLDStunning Female Pomeranian Puppy born January 23 2023. Raised under foot in our home with children, dogs, and cat's to be well rounded, and socialized…
SOLDSweet little Merle male Pomeranian Puppy. He is gorgeous. His color is really something. He’s playful and good with kids. Has a wonderful personality along…